
village walk: auribeau sur siagne

Where we live, neighboring small villages are located every 50 to 100km, in valleys or on hilltops overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Small villages dating back to hundreds of centuries ago. Even through those years, some have remained intact in size and faithfully restored their actual structures.

Auribeau sur Siagne, Alpes Maritimes
Population: ± 2,648 - Alt: 60m 

A short walk around the central village will take you back to
stone houses and cobble stoned streets, ignoring the modern time.

This village is surrounded by Mimosas, now in
season covering the valleys in bright yellows.

What I love most about these small villages
are the typical window shutters adorned with flowers,
and the variety of doors, making each village house unique.

  The view from the village.

While the world is definitely moving forward,
it's still a breath of fresh air to stroll around
in a place that has stood the test of time.


From Manila to Paris, then to Marseille & to the Côte d'Azur, now in Singapore, clinging to a map of three worlds, where everything becomes all relative.


  1. You live in a nice region so continue to explore! Grab your camera and start practising your undiscovered talent for photography ;) !

    1. You are truly my friend, Haze! :) I should save up for a camera first! Hope to see the rest of family here again!
